Saying Yes Means Saying No To Something Else
Saying yes means saying no to something else, that is an important lesson that I’ve learned that I really want to share with you. Since I started my entrepreneur journey back in 2014, every opportunity that came my way, I jumped on it. So whether it was learning a new digital marketing technique, opening up another social media channel, building websites for people, recording stuff…I have jumped into so many different things when the opportunity has presented itself.
When It Hit Me
I had a big realization last fall in 2020. I took on the role of putting together and organizing a trade show that was happening in December. That was back in September, with only two and a half months left before that trade show was happening. Having done one before, I knew exactly how much work would be involved. I realized that saying yes to that project meant that I was going to have to say no to a lot of the other things that I was already doing.
How Saying NO Has Helped Me
Something that’s really important to me now, is to look at when I take on a new project what I will be saying no to. I’m in love with all the things that I’m doing right now, so I know when an opportunity arises that I will be saying no to something I love.
How Saying NO Can Help You
This isn’t just about me, this is about you. So whether that means that maybe somebody invites you out for a happy hour? Well, if you say yes to that, are you taking away from maybe spending time at home with your family? If you say yes to working late, does that mean you’re saying no to going to the gym? Making those things a priority and deciding what are the most prioritized items in your life is important.
Include Downtime and Family
I want to maximize every last minute that I possibly can doing the things that I love, whether it’s working, or sometimes it’s just bingeing on a Netflix series. I want to be able to say yes to some downtime, I want to be able to say yes to vacations, I want to be able to say yes to spending time with my family and friends. A lot of that has fallen by the wayside as I’ve taken on more projects. So that’s my lesson to you and to myself, that we all can consciously make that decision.
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What are your thoughts on “saying yes really means saying no to something else”? I know we don’t like saying no, but it is what it is.
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