April 26th, 2022
Solgaard Carry-on Closet Follow Up Review
It’s 2022, we are now in the situation where the world starts getting back to normal after the Covid19 hit. This gives us another chance to live and put things back as they were before, but not exactly as they were, because the new normal is what we need to live by. One of the things I waited for so long is to travel. And with so much excitement, I now have the chance to use my new Solgaard carry-on suitcase. As promised in my Solgaard unboxing blog, I will create a follow-up video to share my first-hand experience of using this carry-on suitcase.
I got a ton of questions from the people who are also wondering whether this bag is worth a try or not, the same as how I wondered the first time I saw Solgaard. So I am enumerating the things that are good in this suitcase.
Unpacking No More
As I sort my things out upon my arrival at the hotel, I no longer need to put much of my stuff in the hotel closet or out of my suitcase because they were all packed inside it, and just need to spend a little time to arrange them. Less hassle to unpack and more time to do my purpose of travelling.
Your checkin closet is just a “pull out” away
Yes, you read it right! With only few steps to take you can quickly have your little space to store and keep your things organize. I brought only my basic, three to four pair of shirts and pants. I don’t know how other women planned the things they bring when travelling but for me basics are enough and they all fit and organized in my Solgaard’s checkin closet.
Closet “on the go”
If your travel needs you to move from one place to another after a day or two of stay, this suitcase is absolutely perfect. You just have to open and close your suitcase, and you’re ready! Especially for me, I typically stay in the place for a very short period of time because there are times when race event schedules are tight and sometimes overlap. Time management and being able to move real quick are my thing, so as to my suitcase.
Organization is the Key
It may sound too ideal but one main key to make this Solgaard carry-on suitcase a totally worth-item-to-purchase if your ability to organize things and put them all together inside the suitcase.
I don’t wanna look like this suitcase has fit things seemlessly and a total package luggage, I also had my additional duffle bag for my other belongings, but the best in this suitcase is making my life easier to just pull your suitcase and your things out then they are all organized and ready. Just as arranging your hotel closet but only with small effort to make.
After giving this a try and see that it’s worth to buy suitcase, my second suitcase is on its way! Plus, I did become an affiliate so if you want to try it get your Solgaard’s suitcase here.