Change is the only constant thing in the world, so as in racing. Some races are still on with fans, and others are racer and team only. But did you know that as a racer you can adapt to these changes especially when promoting your race team? Here are the online based tips that are effective way in promoting your race team.
  • Post Your Race Time and Location on Social Media  

Fans can’t follow you if you don’t lead them. Keep them updated when events are canceled, and if plans change. If the track creates an event on social media, share that as well.  

  • Make A Post While At The Event  

Whether it be Instagram stories, Facebook stories, or even a picture. Show them that you are there, let them see the fun and excitement.  

  • Share Something After The Race  

Regardless of how your night went, a bad night of racing is better than none at all. Share with them your wins and failures. Your fans will appreciate you being real.  

  • Tag Sponsors and Manufactures  
This is important! Something like taking a picture of the front drive on your engine, and expressing how much you like it can get you noticed. Those sponsors and manufactures may even share your post, giving your team more exposure.
  • Product Reviews  

Doing product reviews and tagging the manufactures is also a great way for them and other sponsors to notice you.  

  • Get Yourself A GoPro  

This one is fun. Buying a GoPro and installing it inside your car is an awesome way to gain exposure. In car camera footage lets your fans see racing from your point of view, as well as share in the excitement.  

  • Be Interviewed  

This tip is my favorite. Racer interviews are a WIN/WIN! Interviews give you the chance to be seen and share your story, as well as highlighting sponsors and manufacturers.  

There goes my 7 tips in promoting a race team. Bet you can even do more! Learn how you can promote your race team on social media, check this 3 steps.

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Let’s go promote!