Mistakes Were Made Here

Have you ever been scrolling Facebook and see a post with someone asking for something? Whether it be followers, sponsorship, or even a ride to the store? Most would look at that post and say no way, I have nothing to gain from that. After seeing this mistake several times from people with all kinds of backgrounds and professions, I wanted to give a simple solution, WIIFM.


WIIFM is an acronym for What Is In It For Me. We typically look at situations with the thought of what we can gain from it. If you are a business owner, maybe you want to sell something. If you are a racer, maybe you’re asking for sponsorship.

I see posts like “I need help paying for my racecar stuff, so I’m looking for sponsors and marketing partners. However, that comes off self centered. Business post come off the same way with “buy the thing, buy the thing!”.

A Better Way

Ask yourself what is in it for your audience if it is all about you. There is a better way to go about it. For instance, if you are a racer, you could instead say “I helped increase the audience or the reach of several other companies this year. If you would like that for your company too, lets have a chat.” Then they see what you have done for others and will want to be apart of what you can offer.

Your post may be shared by your friends or grandma now. But if you keep in mind what is in it for your audience, it will help your post reach greatly. This will be the best benefit you can possible give your followers.

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To find out more on marketing for racing, click here.