Jim understands the need for sponsorship as well as being the sponsor. Here he gives advice for what he looked for before offering sponsorship.

What He Look For

First, Jim looks at personality. It is important how someone represents themselves. His second view point is loyalty. Are you asking for sponsorship just because you need the money, or do you genuinely like their company and/or products? Because if you aren’t asking for the right reasons, you may leave for the next best thing.

“My race car bleeds cash just like yours does”
-Jim Bernheisel

Why It Matters?

Your personality can be infectious to be around and have a positive impact, or it can be the opposite an have a negative impact. If you don’t look happy to speak with a sponsor, they will be less likely to feel happy speaking with you as well.

Loyalty is huge, no one feels comfortable around a non-loyal person. If you can’t answer basic questions about their company and why you want to be on their team, you just look like you’re in it for the money.

He described how all relationships are a two way street, and sponsorship is no different. It has to benefit both parties, or it wont last long. This is so true for many relationships in life. At some point if the relationship is a one way street, the other person will step away. Otherwise time spent together becomes draining. Don’t Drain your sponsors!

Want More?

For more sponsorship tips click here. To check out more interviews visit my YouTube channel here.

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